Turkestan Roaches

1 customer review

Turkestan Roaches are ideal feeder insects for smaller insect eating reptiles and pets. They are very quick little roaches that cannot climb up smooth surfaces. We offer Turkestan roaches in small, medium and large sizes and in quantities of 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000.

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Turkestan Roaches

Turkestan roaches are sometimes kept to feed to pet reptiles and other insectivores, chosen partly because they can’t climb smooth surfaces and don’t burrow. Cockroaches have been replacing crickets, the most popular feeder insect for decades, due to the cricket’s noise, odor, short lifespan, and expense. Turkestan cockroaches are a popular choice of species, and are readily available.

They are often referred to as Red Runners directly relating to their speed. Turkestan roaches have a high protein content along with an easy to digest chitin shell. Making them a very desirable feeder insect to become a staple diet.

Keeping roaches:

Red runner roaches are fairly easy to take care of. Providing them with a dark bin, plenty of heat and humidity. As well as fresh food and water will create a great colony of Turkestan roaches.

Always gut load:

We always recommend gut loading your feeder insects before feeding them to your reptiles or pets. By providing a “Roach chow” filled with various proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. You can ensure that your pet will get the optimum nutrition it needs.

Turkestan Roaches need to have their enclosures cleaned every couple of weeks. Ensuring a healthy and clean colony for your feeders.

We provide red runner roaches in packs of:

Twenty Five, fifty, one hundred, two hundred and fifty, five hundred and one thousand. Stacked with males and females and various sizes to chose from there is plenty to manage your reptiles.

Red runners can be a great addition to any pets diet as long as they are kept clean.

Please feel free to contact us any time for more information on our insects.

For more information on these roaches, please click here.

Find out more on what we have to say about red runner roaches and other feeder insects here.

Additional information


50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 3000


Pins, Small Roaches, Medium Roaches, Large Roaches

Based on 1 review
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  1. Tony Viljoen (verified owner)

    Thank you very much for the good quality insects that are full of life. All insects arrived fat and full of life. Kevin Hanenberg thank you very much for your excellent assistance and helpfulness and the good service.

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